Green Tea and Curing Acne

Tea is  always good for us, especially green tea. It has its own magic to helps you calm down and lessen your stress with Theanine. On the other hand, due to its high poliphenol, it helps you  to fight cancer too. However, it's 2018 and curing acne still a mystery for some people, but green tea is actually the only answer that you need and here's why.

Green Tea and Curing Acne

  • Effect on Insulin Resistance and Blood Sugar Control

High sugar on your blood and insulin levels are pretty bad and it's often caused acne. In order to stabilize your blood sugar and insulin, you have to lower your carbohydrate level. Also, regular consumption of green tea also helps.

There is a study from Japan which proved that drinking 6 or more cups of green tea per day helps reduced diabetes by 33%. Prove it ! and May God bless you forever.

  • The Potential Role of Green Tea Catechins in the Prevention of the Metabolic Syndrome
Hormonal acne or acne that caused by bacteria can be reduces by catechins. Cathechins help to reduce carbohydrate absorption, increase insulin secreting in the pancrease, and lasty, reducing production of glucose in the liver. By reducing insulin resistance and blood sugar levels, it helps to fight hormonal acne. It is also helps treat hormonal imbalances, such as sex hormone levels and so on that can often lead to acne.

Now, we're going to tell you how to make your own acne treatment with green tea. I hope you can practice at your home oe your place anywhere.

Green Tea Acne Treatment

Praparation : 10 minutes

What you need :
  • Facial cleanser
  • Green tea
  • Spray bottle
  • Non-comedogenic moisturizer
  • Towel

Methode :
  • Brew some green tea and let it cool completely. It's okay to drink most of it, but spare 2-3 tbsp for this treatment
  • Pour the cooled green tea into a spray bottle
  • Wash your face with a facial cleanser and pat dry with a towel sooner
  • Spritz the green tea onto your face 
  • Let it dry off
  • Rinse with cold water and pat your skin dry with a towel
  • Apply mosturizer

Finally, those are the methode, about green tea and curing acne. Hopefully this article useful and wait the next post about the magic plant in our world.

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